Saturday 23 August 2014

Switchblade Romance - Lisa's Review

*** SPOILERS ***

Switchblade Romance this week.  This is a sub-titled movie - french, with english subtitles.  It was re-named for a UK audience (why, I have no idea).  The original title was Haute Tension (High Tension).  Personally I think the new title, as slick as it sounds, gives a bit more away than it should.  Then again, who remembers the movie title when you're engaged in the action.

The movie follows Marie (Cécile De France) and Alex (Maïwenn) as they take the long drive to Alex's parents' remote country house for the weekend to study.  As they have been driving for a long time, after a quick dinner, they all head to bed.

After Marie has checked out her attic room, spyed on Alex in the shower and indulged in some self gratification, she is disturbed by the doorbell.  Upon looking our of the window, she sees a large man wearing what looks like garage overalls, slash Alex's dad in the face.  We, the viewer are treated to what happens next when his head is pushed between the spindles of the bannister and he is depacitated by a piece of furniture.  Marie, panicking, but showing incredible clarity of thought , straightens the bedding and removes any evidence of there being anyone in the room before hiding under the bed.  When the killer checks the room, he finds no-one there and leaves.  Meanwhile Alex's mum has woken up and has gone to see what is happening only to find her dead husbands decapitated body and encounter the killer.

Marie finds Alex chained up in her room and promises to help her.  She leaves to find a phone in Alex's parents' room to call for help.   Hearing someone approach, she hides in the slated wardrobe (yup one of those that seem to be in every cupboard hiding scene), you know... the ones you can see out of.  She witnesses the very graphic and bloody murder of Alex's mother.  Sometimes when I watch a murder in a movie, I wonder how the effects people know so accurately how to portray that death, the blood loss, the spray, the spatter, how long someone may live, what a body can withstand.  Who knows?.... maybe they watch footage of real deaths, but whatever, the effects here from the mighty Giannetto De Rossi, a favourite of horror master Fulci are amongst the best I have seen.

I won't go into details on how the mother is murderered or the fate of anyone else as this movie isn't widely known, so it one we could actually influence an occasional horror fan to view.

The remainder of the movie follows Maries attempts to rescue Alex, even stowing away in the killers pick-up truck with a kidnapped and bound Alex, seeking help at every possibility.

There is much blood, awesome effects, tension (even High Tension!) and a brilliantly fast pace.  After lots more action and devastation rivaling the murder of Alex's mum, we come to a shocking conclusion.

It would be wrong of me to even hint at how we end the movie.  I know from some reading that it is not a popular conclusion.  There seems to be a feeling that it somehow ruins a very strong, back to bones guttural horror.  A feeling that it wasn't required and seems misplaced and disconnected.  True, the ending was not required to make this a great movie (as it is for so many reasons), but I personally felt it added extra creepiness and realism.

It is without question I thoroughly recommend this movie.

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