Wednesday 21 January 2015

A Nightmare on Elm Street - Lisa's Review

This movie is one I think I could confidently say that every horror fan has seen.  If not why not?  It's a cult classic from my childhood and one of Wes Cravens best in my opinion.  I remember my dad renting it from the video shop for our old top-loader machine.  The second time I saw it still sticks with me to this day.   As a 12 year old first year student in ART CLASS!!  Our teacher wasn't the most dedicated, so had a habit of letting us watch videos or TV, but this particular day he slid 'A Nightmare in Elm Street' into the player before leaving us to it.  As a class of 12 year olds, we were most impressed, but I do remember some kids in the class being freaked out by it.  Although I thought it was awesome at the time, my adult brain questions allowing young kids to watch an 18 certificated movie in school.  I've always been a big horror fan, brought up on them by my dad, but I'm sure there were kids some of those images stayed with.  Anyways, to the movie.

A Nightmare on Elm Street follows a few young kids (Nancy, Tina, Glen and Rod) as most horrors did at this time.  Although the movie initially concentrates on Tina and her boyfriend Glen, we later become aware that Nancy is the star of the show and is the one who will face evil in the inevitable showdown.   A fantastic new idea is utilized in this movie - a world of dreams.  We know that in a good horror movie, we love that 'heart in your throat' scene where the hero(ine) tries to get away from the bad guy.  Here the concept of the bad guy existing in your dreams is introduced and what a bad guy!  With knives for fingers and badly burnt and scarred skin, Freddie Krueger was introduced to the world, giving us one of our iconic movie bad guys alongside Jason and Michael Myers.  We all have nightmares, but generally we wake up and realise that it's just a dream and we're safe.  Imagine a world where if you fall asleep, the bad guy is going to get you.  The worst part?  The nightmare you are destined to have is much more than that.  Whatever happens to you in your sleep, happens in real life.  Here we have the concept behind 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' and as far as I'm concerned it's genius!  Obviously a lot of people thought so as this movie spawned a franchise of 9 movies!  It also led to a TV series and comic books.

  I don't think I need to say any more about the storyline as, like I said, I would imagine most horror fans have seen it and anyone who hasn't (shame on you!) should watch it with no more information that what's above.

For me the main thing about this movie that stands out is how innovative it was.  It's very hard to come up with completely new concepts for movies but this was completely new and so effective.  I'm sure it's a movie that stayed with most audiences long after the credits rolled.  For me the waterbed scene and bath scenes are ones that have stuck in my head from my first watch.  The acting is solid throughout and the pacing is excellent.  You never feel bored or find yourself looking at your watch when this movie is playing.  It is easy to understand for a mass audience, but holds enough originality for seasoned horror fans.  It was also cool to see Robert Englund who plays Freddie, finally see some success.  He had starred in many low budget horrors before 'A Nightmare..' but his portrayal of Freddie shot him to fame and guaranteed him years of movie success.  It's no surprise i'm sure, that I heartily recommend this movie.

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