Saturday 10 May 2014

The Vanishing (1988) - Lisa's Review

This week we have a little Dutch number that required my full attention as it was subtitled.  I like to start off viewing a movie with no prior knowledge as to what it's about and what everyone else thought about it (although I do check that out afterwards), so as I was watching a strange sense of familiarity came to me.  I immediately knew the entire plot, but I knew I hadn't seen this movie.  A quick check confirmed to me that this movie has been remade for an american audience, which I did see at the flicks.  It was definately interesting to see the original.

I don't want to give away too much about this movie as, like last weeks movie Angel Heart, this is one I recommend and think readers should most definately watch.

We start the movie following a young couple, Rex and Saskia.  They are going on holiday to France.  Along with the usual fun interaction between a couple, we are given a detailed version of nightmares that Saskia has been having where she finds herself inside a golden egg, floating.  In later dreams, another person appears in another egg and if they collide, she feels that something will come to an end.  We find out that Saskias biggest fear is to be abandoned.  Cue the car running out of fuel, a row and Rex walking off, abandoning Saskia inside a rather foreboding tunnel.

After some dramatics Saskia forgives Rex and he vows to never abandon her again.  The couple pull into a petrol station and Saskia leaves Rex to go into the shop.  She is never seen again.  It is at this point that we find out more about Raymond; a man who had been making appearances throughout the movie.  We know that he has kidnapped Saskia.  There is no secret made of it, the viewer is aware throughout.  Raymond is a very normal, boring man, but a man with a lot more going on inside than he projects.  He is obsessed with the nature of a mans thoughts and his ability to do the best he can do and the worst.  He plots to abduct any woman and rehearses the nature of what he will do, so it doesn't go wrong.

For 3 years Rex obsessively searches for Saskia.  Even when in a new relationship, he is still trying to find out what happened to her.  His determination and perseverance, bordering on obsession interests Raymond and so starts a new game.

This is where I will leave the detail.  This movie is really a thriller with an ending which a lot of people found horrific.  The ending is something I saw many years before in another movie (I can't say which one as it would give it away).  It stayed with me for many years as, through all the horror movies I watched as a kid, I found this one most disturbing.  The fact i'd been hit by the punch before, lessened it a bit for me, but it is none-the-less scary stuff.

The movie is interesting and well paced.  The ending is very strong and ties together earlier elements of the movie.  I heartilly recommend this movie to anyone who hasn't seen it.  Thumbs Up!

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