Thursday 8 May 2014

Angel Heart - Lisa's Review

An odd movie to find itself in a horror list this week.  While there are certainly horrific images present in the movie, it is far from a horror.

The movie gets it's name from our lead character Harry Angel (Mickey Rourke) who is hired by a very well-to-do, oddly but impeccably dressed man Louis Cyphre (Robert De Niro).  Now surely it doesn't take a person of much intelligence to utter the name Louis Cyphre and draw some rather dark conclusions.  If those conclusions didn't occur, then the appearance and presence of Robert De Niro in the role should raise a few eyebrows.

So back to the story, Mr Cyphre hires Mr Angel to track down a previous associate, Johnny Favourite, with which he had a contract which remains unfulfilled due to Johnnys apparent disappearance.

The movie follows Mr Angel's search for Johnny Favourite, which takes him from New York to New Orleans and deep into Voodoo and some suspect places.  He meets everyone from Johnnys doctor to his ex wife and his daughter Epiphany(played by the beautiful Lisa Bonnet... whatever happened to her?).  Being a looker back in the day, we of course are treated to the obligatory sex scene and Mr Rourkes rather fine backside.  Mr Angel is definately a guy with streetsmarts, but even he eventually starts to get rattled when most people he tracks down and interviews are murdered in horrid ways.

He pushes on, having been tempted by an additional $5000 when the first murder sent him back to Mr Cyphre ready to throw the towel in.  We start to see more horror elements, in saying that, the movie is certainly still not a horror by any stretch of the imagination.  The closer to the end we get, the faster the pace gets and after quite a steady pacing, I was ready for the increase.

I would say that the twists in the movie are pretty predictable and I for one saw the big reveal coming a mile off, but there are subtle details, which are quite clever.  In other respects there are questions which remain unanswered and make no sense.  Questions I would have liked to have answered.  Some things didn't quite add up (and I hate that).

In saying that, I deliberately haven't gone into too much detail in my review as I think this is a movie you should watch.  It isn't the usual crap horror, it doesn't date even though it is a 1987 movie.  Mickey Rourke is ravishing and plays a fantastic role.  There is enough of a mix between thriller and horror elements and slow and fast pace to keep the movie interesting.

Thumbs up from Lisa.

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