Saturday 9 November 2013

God told me to - Lisa's Review

*** SPOILERS ***

Simply reading the title of this weeks movie didn't fill me with much hope and sadly I was right in this case.

In 'God told me to' we follow a devout catholic (yet highly hypocritical) Detective as he investigates a number of murders which occur completely out of the blue by previously calm individuals.  The only thing that ties them together is that the perpetrators advise him that "God told me to do it.".  So there you have the premis in a nutshell.

I HATED this movie.  I hated everything about it.  The script, the actors, the feel, how dated it was, the soundtrack, the stunts, the pacing... As if all that wasn't enough, it seemed unable to stay within one genre, or even two.  It hoped about in and about so many genres I honestly lost count and lost any interest in counting.

This wasn't simply a cop movie, a thriller, a horror, a sci-fi movie, a drama.... it was a incompetant dalliance into each of these genres and not one I can imagine a fan of any of them would enjoy.

I just sat there willing something interesting to happen, but instead spent most of the movie confused and the rest of the time bored senseless.  Just when I thought I had lost the will to live and it couldn't get any more ridiculous and couldn't weaken the already impossibly weak storyline further, it proved me wrong again and again.

Did you get that I HATED this movie.  Don't waste your time.  I can't think of a good reason why anyone would put themselves through watching this by choice.  Big, Fat AVOID!!

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