Saturday 12 October 2013

Snoop Doggs Hood Of Horror - Lisa's Review

In honour of Halloween, we're taking a special "Shocktober" break from the Time-Out 100 Best Horror films, to focus on some of the worst...

*** SPOILERS ***

The idea of the movies to review this month was the awful ones.  Is it terribly wrong to say I really enjoyed this weeks?  I put it on expecting very little, as neither a fan of Snoop Dogg or his style of music (which the movie is littered with).  I have to say though, I was pleasantly surprised and liked this one.

I think the reason I liked it was the fact it was made up of 3 short stories and some rather awesome animation.  Had it been any of the 3 stories for the entire hour and a half, it wouldn't have worked at all, but with the half hour long segments, the animated introduction and the narration by Snoop Dogg, I thought everything tied together nicely.  It reminded me a lot of an old series I used to love as a kid 'Tales from The Crypt'.

The common thread amongst all 3 stories, is individuals having specific priviledges and abusing them or not using their new-found fortune for good.

The first story follows a female 'tagger' who has a bit of a run-in with a group of male taggers for tagging in their area.   She is given the power of death by a mysterious old man, whereby every piece of grafitti she crosses through with her spraycan, the artist dies in rather awesome ways.  There is some spectacularly good (and amusing) death scenes in this section.  The girl does meet her maker in the end though, when her power is taken about for her abuse of the priviledge and her victims 'come back' and use her head as a massive spray can to add to a mural.

The second story follows a very racist white couple (Tex & Tiffany) who have come into an inheritance as Texs father has died (or should be say has been killed by Tex).  In order to receive the inheritance, they have to spend a year living with some black vietnam vets that had served under Texs dad.  He was hoping that this may change his sons ways.  Sadly rather than see the light, the son sets to treating the guys like servants and with absolutely no respect.  Eventually the guys have had enough and our couple both expire in rather spectacular fashion.  Never have I seen a woman be force fed cavier to the point her stomach explodes....

The last story follows a young up and coming rapper (Sod) who double crosses his best friend,(Quon) a fellow rapper who has stood by him through thick and thin.  Quon ends up being shot in an armed robbery which is turns out was set up by Sod and his manager.   In a scene reminiscent of American Werewolf in London, Quon comes back from the dead, in rather a disgusting state) and is only visible to Sod.  He tells Sod how he knows that he was responsible for his death.  His manager calls on him and when Sod is trying to tell him that Quon is back, he has a bit to say.  He ends up being stabbed through both eyeballs.  This looks to all witnesses like Sod is responsible as he is left standing over the body looking rather perturned (and of course Quon is invisible).  He ends up victim on Death by Cop in a shoot-out.

Following the stories, we have a little summing up by Snoop Dogg himself, which reminded me a lot of 'Tales from The Crypt'.

In all, it was a nice little movie.  I didn't think it was awful at all.  I quite enjoyed it.  I probably would recommend it to other people, purely because it isn't as bad as you may think it's going to be.  It's a different style of horror to what you would normally see and it was right up my street.

So here's one of my first 'Recommended' tags of the Time Out Top 100.

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