Saturday 14 September 2013

Braindead - Will's review.

I. Love. This. Movie.

Love it!

I love almost everything about it.

I love that it was made by Peter "Lord of The Rings" Jackson, but is so different to anything he would make once he moved to Hollywood.

I love that it starts on Skull Island (technically setting it part of Jacksons King Kong universe).

I love the design and animation of the Rat Monkey that bets brought back from said island, and I love that (despite being such a rare beast) it ends up in a public zoo.

I love that (after his mum gets bitten by said monkey) our hero Lionel, gradually, and accidentally, builds a collection of zombies - first because he promised to take care of his mum, and later because he has to keep covering up her victims, and her victims victims.

I Love that a fight gets narrated by an episode of  "The Arches" that happens to be on the radio at the time.

I love that one of those flying ducks that old ladies (supposedly) have on their walls in threes gets used as a throwing star!

I love the fight between the Vicar and the Zombie punks (well, Greasers really), I love the line "I kick arse for The Lord".

I love the the way the damage taken by each zombie stays with it, and they get more and more messed-up as the film progresses.

I Love the zombie sex scene, and the resulting baby.

I Love that a petrol mower gets used as a weapon, and I love that the zombies literally never die (Liquidising them seems to be the only way to stop their dismembered parts coming after you).

I love that this is the bloodiest movie you will ever see, and is chock full of zombies, but still can't really be called "Horror" - Its far too OTT to ever scare anyone, and is very firmly a splat-stick comedy.

The only things I don't love about it, to be honest, are the mcguffin wherein some type of poison is also somehow a stimulant when taken by animals, and the unexplained way that one of the zombies grows to giant size.

but overall its safe to say; I love this movie!

1 comment:

  1. I get why you love the comedy. I did giggle a few times (The archers was one of those times and the "Kicking ass for the Lord" line was another.

    I can get why a lot of people love this movie. It's just personal taste that I don't go for this sort of thing.


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