Sunday 22 September 2013

I Waled With A Zombie - Will's Review

I am a huge fan of pre code, and golden age horror movies; along with the Hammer Horrors of the 60's and 70's I was weaned on American Horror Movies from the 30's and 40's (especially the Universal ones).

It's fair to say that the path which lead me to watching a horror movie every week for a blog, started with my 5 year old self those movies; they quite literally made me the man I am today!
So I was excited to find that this week's movie was an RKO offering from 1943.

Sadly, I would struggle to classify this one as horror; like Come and See, I would file this one under 'Drama'.

Yes, there are Witch Doctors and Zombies (the traditional voodoo kind, not Romero Style Zombies) and yes, there was a slight supernatural element, however there was no part if this story that could not have been told with 'real' zombies (the drugged and brain damaged humans, still used to this day).

It's a shame because, while I love old horror movies, I find that dramas from that period tend to run at a pace that does not play well to a modern audience; and this was no exception.

While well made, the film moved far too slowly, and a few nice shots with German expressionist inspired shadows do not make up for a dull plot.

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