Sunday 4 December 2011

Don't Go Into The Woods - Will's review.

A whole bunch of people appear (I can't even use the word "introduced") and get killed, usually off camera, by an unseen assailent.

This is interspersed by the 4 worst actors in the world, who are on a hiking camping trip. The 2 men are a general prick, and an an insufferable know-all, and the 2 women have no personality at all, but one of them looks like a Ginger Justin Beiber.

Eventually they cross the killers path.

Having kept the killer of screen for almost half the movie, you'de hop for a good reveal - no such luck; its just a 'wild man' who likes to dress as a wookie with a weird bead/hair... THING on his face:

Really REALLY bad movie.

Oddly the entire thing sounds overdubbed, but it's in it's original language, so I can only guess that they didn't have a boom mic, and the on-camera mic didn't produce usable audio, but seriously the ENTIRE film sounds like a comedy-dub without jokes.

We interrupt this review for competition news: the fourth and final word you will need to enter to win a copy of "Don't look in the Basement" is "NASTY". Deatails on how to ender will appear on the VNAW feacebook page, and now, back to the review....

The only (and I do mean ONLY) 2 good things about the movie are presented bellow: the one decent gore shot, and the hilarious theme song that plays over the closing credits.

Oh, and at the end of the movie we see a baby (who the killer inexplicably took, rather than killing) hacking at the floor with a hatchet - I expect we are supposed to assume she will survive into adulthood and be the next killer... or something.

I don't know who "Angie Brown" is, 
but I suspect she's blowing the credits guy...

Body Count: 15
Boob Count: 0
Animal Body Count: 0
Most Memorable Death: VW Window Face-plant.

Please use the comments bellow only to comment on this post - to write your own review, please comment on the main post for this movie.

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