Monday 13 April 2015

An American Werewolf in London - Lisa's Review

I think I should say right from the off, this is probably going to be a very biased review as 'An American Werewolf in London' is right up there amongst my favourite movies.  It's easily the best werewolf movie ever made.  The effects, so groundbreaking in 1981 are still just as jaw dropping today, which is something given the lack of CGI effects then which are common place today.

The movie follows best buddies David and Jack as they leave their native America for the Yorkshire Moors in a backpacking trip.  Sadly, although they are supposedly in the moors, filming was carried out in Wales and Surrey.  Having lived in Yorkshire for quite a few years, I see no reason why they couldn't film there, but hey ho!  Anyways, whilst hiking, they decide to go into a local pub (The Slaughtered Lamb) as it's getting a bit dark.  If you're paying attention you'll see no other than Rik Mayall in there as one of the yokels.   It's one of those bars where you walk in and a 'stranger' spotlight must appear above your head as the entire bar stops to stare.  I still think of this scene when I enter a bar where I wish I'd never set foot.  So, upon asking about a Pentagram sign on the wall of the pub, the locals aka yokels, make it clear American tourists, David and Jack are not welcome.  A concerned barmaid is concerned that they are going out into the moors in the dark, but they are sent on their way and told to keep to the path.  Unfortunately when they leave they are so busy talking about where to go and what to do, they veer from the path and onto the moors.

All I will say further is that the boys meet a werewolf on the moors and all kinds of strange things happen from then on.

This is one of the few horror movies IMO where comedy and horror blend well.  I am not a fan of this blend of movie at all, but there is just the right balance here for me.  Director John Landis has his infamous inclusion of  'See you next Wednesday' in the movie, as the title of a porn movie David goes to see at an adult cinema.  To explain, Landis had an idea for a movie when he was 15.  He wanted to call it 'See you next Wednesday'.  The title was taken from a line from 2001 - A Space Odyssey.  He says that whenever he uses an idea from that movie he thought up when he was 15, he includes the title somewhere in the movie. Back to the movie. :)

The acting in the movie is superb.  The cast is strong, allowing us to feel for the characters.  Jenny Agutter is the romantic interest and predictably gets naked. She plays a nurse who looks after David when he spends some time in hospital and goes on to give him another form of care entirely when he leaves hospital.  I do wonder if this was an idea taken from a movie from the mind of a 15 year old boy.  I will say one particular under duvet scene did peak my pre-teen interest.  I deviate again.... So, the pace is just right, never allowing you to even think about getting bored.  It isn't predictable, but the award must go to the special effects in the movie.

This movie is known for one scene, which is something I can't not mention in a review.  It is a transformation scene which is shown in full from start to finish.  I can't think of any other movie which does this.  The effects used then were a benchmark in horror, which as far as I am concerned has not been matched to this day.  The capturing of the excruciating pain suffered is very effective, as we not only see every stretched limb and breaking bone, but we hear it.  This is what makes the scene so difficult, but fascinating to watch.  The movie makers have succeeded in not only making this scene gruesome and impressive, but they also make us sympathise with the victim of the change.  Another crucial ingredient of that scene is the inclusion of 'Bad moon rising' playing on the radio in the background whilst we hear every crunch and every crack of the change.  It assures the scene will stay implanted in your brain.

So you may have guessed I love this movie.  If you haven't seen it, for the love of god, do so NOW!!  If you have seen it, but it's been a while, get it out and watch it again.  If you've watched it recently, make a promise for yourself like I have, to watch it at least once per year.  It's without any form of hesitation I give this one a BIG recommended.

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