Monday 23 February 2015

The Birds - Lisa's Review

Back to the 60's for this weeks movie.  As many people know, I have never been a big fan of older movies, but having this challenge to watch these movies has forced me to watch films I otherwise wouldn't have.  In doing this, I've had to concede there are a lot of good oldies out there.

As much as Alfred Hitchcock is not someone I personally admire (he was a bit of an arse), I have to admit, he was a genius when it came to the world of film.  The Birds is adapted from a book by Daphne du Maurier, but I can't imagine any other director would have thought to do with it what Hitchcock did.  I'm not going to go into a premise of The Birds, as to be honest if you haven't seen it or at least know what it's all about, you're in the wrong place.

I first saw The Birds as a child and I do remember being a bit wide-eyed at the section where the school children are running down the street being chased and attacked by the birds.  Having watched this same scene a few times since and again last night, the effects are laughable in these days, but we have to remember it was 1963!  The terrible acting by some of the kids is amusing though, especially one little lad who can't seem to stop himself from smiling.

On watching the movie again last night, I was struck by a few things.  Firstly how pretty much near perfect this movie is.  It is wonderfully shot, the lighting and musical score are great.  The acting is solid with interesting characters and it has to be said the women are impossibly beautiful and oh so feminine.  Tippi Hedren slowly wins the viewer over as Melanie Daniels, the strong minded, wealthy daughter of her Newspaper owning father.  Also Suzanne Pleshette is wonderful as the laid-back and effortlessly sexy Annie Hayworth, the ex of the subject of Melanies affections.  Melanie has travelled to the small seaside town Bodega Bay in search of Mitch Brenner (played by the sadly recently deceased Rod Taylor).  A chance meeting has aroused an interest in Melanie for Mitch.  There isn't really much else to tell that is of central importance to the story.  The sudden spate of bird attacks that begin when Melanie comes to Bodega Bay ARE the story.

I found The Birds to be engrossing, enjoyable, refreshing and it did engage me.  I did find the casual sexism irritating, ok so it was the 60's, but statements like "There's a girl" to a grown woman are surely more than a tad patronising.  That aside, I do enjoy the movie every time I watch it, but the same thing ruins it every time.  The same thing I seem to forget every time I watch it, as there is so long between viewings.  The ending is absolutely crap!  In fact, there is no ending in the sense we expect.  It's all an utter anticlimax! It's as if the ending has been cut off.  I actually scanned it back last night when watching it as I was convinced I'd missed the ending as the movie just ENDS abruptly, just like that.  It leaves you with a feeling of disappointment, which is a real shame as it taints an otherwise excellent movie.

I have recommended the movie, as I do feel that for the most part it is worth watching.  The ending does disappoint, I won't lie, but I don't want to completely disregard an otherwise excellent movie

1 comment:

  1. I just cant get past the (lack of) ending; no matter how well done the rest is.


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