Tuesday 15 April 2014

Pulse - Will's Review.

I don't know what to say.

Have you ever been so far away from popular opinion that you are sure you're missing something , or in some way mistaken? That's me and Pulse; I just cannot understand the near-universal praise this movie receives.

First the positives; There are a couple of interesting ideas (chief amongst them the reason that ghosts are invading our world), and a few of the shots are brilliant (including a short steak am sequence in the library).

Of the two parallel stories, the student having unusual internet problems and thing to investigate the ghosts is far more interesting than the one about the florist with the vanishing staff.

Sadly "more interesting" is a relative term...

Those few ideas and a little cinematography aside, this movie is as dull as dishwater, and almost completely nonsensical to boot.

The characters frequently make astounding leaps in reasoning, red tape makes itself uncannily available, the screenwriter seems to think that him having an idea and having characters act on them is enough, and that we the viewer will catch up by osmosis, without ever having them explained to us.

It's a mess, and I can only assume that it's positive reviews stem from it being released in those recently post-Ringu years, when J-Horror was fashionable enough that it could do no wrong.

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