Monday 22 June 2015

Hour of the Wolf (1967) - Will's Review

I don't have a great deal to say about this movie, given it mostly comprised of characters I didn't care about, having conversations I wasn't interested in, and doing things I didn't really understand, for reasons that were never made clear.

As best I can tell, it's about an artist's decent into madness, but that's all I can really say for sure plot-wise, with much of the film's second half being very unclear regards how much of what we are seeing is real.

Parts of the film look amazing, particularly the scene following the "hour of the wolf" title card at about the movies mid-point; the use of light and shadow in particular is phenomenal, and wasted on such a dull movie... So dull that I had to rewind many parts of it as I realised my mind had wondered, and the movie was simply washing over me.

Quite how this film has ranked so highly on the list I have no idea.


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