Saturday 2 May 2015

Night of the Living Dead (1968) - Lisa's Review

I watched this one (forcibly) a few years ago as I'm married to a big Romero fan.  Having thankfully forgotten most of it, I was unfortunately forced to sit through it again tonight.  So I would imagine from those few words you can guess what I thought to the movie.  Yup, it sucked.  To be fair I'm not a fan of old zombie movies.  Dawn of the Dead is about as old as I go but that one is a stand out good 'un.  Anyways, I suppose we need a premise of sorts.

We concentrate on a group of people accidentally brought together in a farmhouse when hiding from a hoarde of zombies.  As with most of these movies, there are bad decisions, slightly less bad decisions, dramatic saves, ridiculous deaths, hammy overacting, rubbish effects but in a complete turnaround there is actually a pretty good ending.  I would be surprised if any horror fan hadn't seen this movie or any non horror fan were reading this blog, so there isn't much reason to hide the ending.  If however in a strange twist of fate, you actually haven't seen it and want to... avoid the next paragraph.
So as with these old horror movies, it becomes quite clear pretty early on who the hero is.  In this case it's a young black man called Ben.  I mention the fact he is black as it was such a rarity to have black men play a lead role in the 60's, even less so the heros role.  Romero did repeat this in other movies to his credit.  Soooo, Ben is big hero man and repeatedly saves peoples asses...

however eventually people are so monumentally stupid, even Ben can't do anything for them and he is left as the last person standing in the house (save for the zombies surrounding the place).  Police arrive and indiscriminately shoot all the zombies they see.  Unfortunately when looking into the house from a distance, they mistake Ben for a zombie and dispatch him as they did every zombie they saw.  You may think it's an odd ending for me to say I liked, but I liked it as it was an unexpected ending and those kind of endings are always the best ones as far as I'm concerned.  Of course you're gutted that Ben survived attacks by a hoarde of zombies and you think he's saved, only to find he's murdered by something as ridiculous as 1 cop.  How fast and to the point the shooting is and how fast the movie ends is something I did like.

As for the rest of the movies, as far as I'm concerned, if you've seen one of these movies, you've seen them all.  I'm just not a fan of old zombie movies, so perhaps this review is not a fair and unbiased one, so for that reason I won't stick an 'Avoid' on this one, but I'll be damned if i'm recommending it!

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