Saturday 8 February 2014

Hellraiser - Lisa's Review

This week we're onto a movie that has been seen by pretty much every horror fan out there and some non-horror fans most probably, such is its fame.  Rather than a review which would prompt a viewer to try this one, this will probably be one of opinions rather than fact.

The story follows Frank, his brother Larry, Larrys wife Julia and his daughter Kirsty.  To start the story Frank buys an intriguing puzzle box.  By solving the box, he appears to have been killed and some sort of door has been opened to another realm.  We will visit this realm and its inhabitants several times throughout the movie.

Franks brother Larry and his wife decide to have a new start in Larry (and Franks) childhood home.  Julia has had an affair with Frank so the relationship is strained.  We see as the movie progresses, that Julia is obsessed with Frank and has lost her feelings for her husband.  She inadvertently discovers Frank in the attic in the house when Larry cuts his hand, bleeds on the floor and appears to restore Frank to something alive.  To return to his human state, he needs Julia to lure victims to him so he can extract their blood.  With each victim, he becomes more and more like the old Frank Julia loves.

This is the bare bones of how the story progresses.  There is obviously other things going on, but this should give you an idea of where we're at, or if you've seen the movie, should be enough of a refresher for you.

I remember watching this movie many years ago and being totally creeped out by some of the horrific things contained, especially the creatures (known as Cenobites) in another realm mentioned at the start of the review.  The realm is opened by the puzzlebox and is a place of pleasure and torture.  Sounds wierd, but it's true.  Here we are first introduced to the iconic 'Pinhead'.  I remember marvelling at him and the make-up it would have required.  These days, many years on, I am still impressed at the special effects and make-up in this movie.  It was ground breaking for it's time and asides from an 80's feel to the movie, it stands up as a great horror even today.

Asides from solid acting, great effects and lots of gore, there is something that makes this movie stand apart from other horrors of the time.  This is the first movie (and probably still is one of the very few) that actually did freak me out.  I watched a lot of horror growing up and I still do, so it's hard to disgust or frighten me.  The Cenobites in this movie though, did fry my brain!  They are all so utterly repulsive, I remember asking myself, what sort of warped brain even thought them up.  There were never anything remotely like them in other movies.  In monster movies, it's hard to do something that hasn't been seen before, but with Hellraiser, they definately managed to do this.

Also the realm in which the Cenobites live is mind boggling.  There is so much going on and so much to repel and disgust, yet intrigue, you miss half of what's going on as the brain simply can't take it all in.  It truely does feel like somewhere I most definately wouldn't like to find myself.

I have obviously only touched on the storyline, but as I said earlier, most people will have seen it and anyone who hasn't, doesn't need any more than I've written to decide whether or not it's for them.  I stick a big fat Recommended on this one with absolutely no hesitation.  Ground-breaking horror at it's best!

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