Sunday 2 September 2012

Tenebrae - Wills review.

I'm sure a film student could go to town on this one; telling us how it lacks Argento's usual strangely colourful lighting, but how despite this the camera work and set design all still have his fingerprints all over them.

They could explore the idea that the films central character was a proxy for Argento himself; The character is a creator of horror and thrillers (books not movies) and is accused of misogynism by a critic (I don't know that the Argento himself ever was, but most purveyors of horror face the charge at some point).[1]

They would probably rave about the clever use of a dream sequence; weaved unexplained throughout the film - it's relevance only becoming clear in the final moments.

Unfortunately, I am not a film student, and so I was board to tears.

Tenebre is, at its core, a very straight forward whodunnit thriller, with only the twists (plural) at the end belaying its giallo roots; if your usual complain with Italian thrillers is that you have no-idea what the hell is going on, then you will find at least one nice thing to say about Tenebrae.

The twists were silly (although I did like the half-twist that came after the main three - one which explained something we had herd about the killers knife) and really didn't fit, but it was solidly acted (mostly) and well-shot (as you would expect) other than that the film was so straight forward (and dull) I really dont have much to say.

Body Count: 11
Boob Count: 2 pairs
Animal Body Count: 1

[1] If I'm right about the proxy thing, then killing the (female) critic who make the observation - half naked no less - may not have been the smartest move.

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