Saturday 1 October 2011

Deep River Savages - Lisa's Review


I probably watched almost all of this movie. I tried my best, honest I did. After managing to sit through Cannibal Ferox and Cannibal Holocaust, I thought I would have no problems, but in my opinion, this movie far surpasses either of those for animal cruelty of the worst extreme.

I could sit and detail the story, as, like I said, I've probably seen most of it, but my disgust prevents me from wanting to. The basic premis is a guy who ends up in the jungle with a bunch of savages (who happen to be cannibals) as he wants to escape a murder he committed back home (which happened to be in self defence). Long story short, he eventually is accepted by the tribe and even ends up with the very beautiful (and mostly very naked) daughter of the tribes chief, she dies and he ends up staying with the tribe and becoming as barbaric as they are... doing things he initially was disgusted by.

I hated everything about this movie. The acting, the premis, the way it was acted out, the rape for titillation scenes that were littered throughout it, but none of these things came close to the absolutely disgusting scenes of animal cruelty and deaths in this movie. I'm not going to detail the deaths, but needless to say they were all real, all VERY graphic and all very long, drawn out affairs with the maximum level of suffering inflicted possible. They even introduced animals fighting each other to the death for fun..... The general feeling when watching this, apart from the obvious disgust at what you're viewing, is that the director put this together for the blood thirsty, brain-dead morons who love this kind of 'real' suffering.

I for one am not among that crowd and although I can watch 'most' things, although some may be difficult, I refused to watch another minute of this piece of trash to see another innocent animal needlessly suffer. If any readers do watch the movie, despite this warning.... I managed to reach the scene where Mariya (the wife of the star) dies. I only made it that far as I left it on in the background while I typed my review. I had decided after a nasty crocodile death that enough was enough.

I cannot think of any reason anyone would want to watch this one, so I advise against it with every pore of my being.

Please use the comments bellow only to comment on this post - to write your own review, please comment on the main post for this movie.

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